Sunday, October 13, 2013

Economic Development in NW Iowa. We have JOBS!!!! We Need People.

Northwest Iowa Development held its annual partners meeting last week in Sheldon. The economic development group represents six northwest Iowa counties.  The organization has been hard at work promoting growth in Northwest Iowa.  Vice Chair of the organization Steve Simons highlighted the development accomplishments:  there were 875 new jobs created, $105,385,000in new capital investment,  49 projects identified, 5 projects required IEDA financial assistance- $2.5M in tax credit and high quality jobs direct assistance.  Simons also said that approval of an application for Foreign Trade Zone Status should be coming before the end of the year. Simons said on average, each project creates 18 jobs.

Speakers at the event were State Economic Development Director Deb Durham and Governor Terry Branstad.

Check this out on Chirbit